Press release nr 1/23
Publisert: 12. mars 2023

Press release nr 1/23
The leaders of the World Cup in long distance racing, Visma Ski Classics, are coming to this years edition of Flyktingerennet, but particularly Emil Persson will meet tough competition.
It is now just over two weeks until the 71st edition of Flyktingerennet that runs from Nordli in Norway to Gæddede in Sweden, and the deadline for signing up is in one week. After two years of cancelations due to Covid, the 70th anniversary was held in 2022 with just under 1000 participants.
The event is falling on the same weekend as the final of this years World Cup in Lahti, but the VSC racers have a weekend off. As a Challenger-organizer there are points to collect even in Flyktningerennet.
Ida Dahl, Team Engcon, the leader of the women’s, has already signed up for Flyktingerennet, and more ladies are thinking about it.
Emil Persson, Team 157 Ski Team, is the leader of the men’s, and he has also signed up. Persson won this year’s Vasaloppet. He is up against some tough competition in amongst others Max Novak, Team Aker Dehlie, and Kasper Stadås, Team Ragde Charge, that are currently in 2nd and 4th place over all. Even the winner of Flyktingerennet 2019, Oskar Kardin, Team Ragde Charge, who is in 11th place over all, will be a strong challenger to a fit Persson on March 26th. Kardin finished 7th, Stadås 3rd and Novak 9th in this year’s Vasaloppet.
The organizers are expecting more exciting sign ups before the due date on March 19th.
Flyktningerennet is a great opportunity for other good skiers from Norway and Sweden to test them selves up against some of the best long distance skiers in the world.
Everyone participating in Flyktningerennet up until the 75th anniversary, will be in the draw of a snowmobile, that will be drawn in 2027.
Next press release will come on March 16 2023.